• Aging well,  Events & news,  Home & Family

    I’m on the radio tonight

    I never know which posts or column links will hit home when I hit “Publish.” So I’m always surprised and happy to hear from readers who follow this blog. Earlier this week, I received an email from radio personality Marie Osborne, who is guest-hosting the Mitch Album Show on WJR (AM 760 on the dial) with Steve Courtney. Marie read my recent Oakland Press column about family heirlooms and why millennials don’t want to inherit them. The topic resonated with her and she invited me to discuss the topic on her show. I’m honored to be asked — and looking forward to it. Tune in to WJR this evening at…

  • Home & Family,  Oakland Press columns,  Where I'm published

    Emotional baggage or timeless treasure?

    “If a gift has come to you wrapped in obligations and tied tightly with a ribbon of guilt, then it’s not really a gift at all.” ~Peter Walsh, professional organizer Organizing an estate sale is probably one of the toughest things we have to do after our parents die. If your folks collected as many family heirlooms as mine did, you’ll face the emotionally loaded task of deciding which items to keep and which ones to sell or give away. And what happens when your grown kids don’t want to inherit the family treasures? For starters, it helps to learn and understand the generational differences in what we value. My…

  • Aging well,  caring for elderly parents,  Photo stories

    The road ahead

    “People ask me to predict the future, when all I want to do is prevent it. Better yet, build it. Predicting the future is much too easy, anyway. You look at the people around you, the street you stand on, the visible air you breathe, and predict more of the same. To hell with more. I want better.” ~Ray Bradbury, Beyond 1984: The People Machines As we age, we map out the course of our own future. We plan for retirement and organize our personal finances. We might start thinking about who will care for us if or when our health declines. At the same time, we need to consider the…

  • Communication,  Personal growth,  Photo stories

    How connected are we, really?

    “We live in a technological universe in which we are always communicating. And yet we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection.” ~Sherry Turkle Words have tremendous power. As social media users learned early in the game, our words can unite — and our words can alienate. Today’s quote is another favorite in my “communication collection.” Sherry Turkle, a social science and technology professor at MIT, reminds us that online connection doesn’t offer the same emotional health benefits as in-person communication. Here, she hints at the danger of spending more time online than we spend developing deeper relationships with others. ~CL If you missed it earlier, here’s a link to a…

  • Inspirational quotes,  Motivation

    Light on the subject

    “If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” ~Thomas Edison I love visiting museums. Whether I’m looking at a work of art or a scientific invention, I’m always astounded at what human beings are capable of creating and inventing. It’s also humbling to consider that some people manage to spin a 24-hour day into a miracle — while the rest of us waste the same amount of time doing … not so much. Maybe we give up too easily. Thomas Edison insisted that the mother of invention is perseverance. Historians can’t agree on how many times he failed in his attempts to…
