Being neighborly
“All will concede that in order to have good neighbors, we must also be good neighbors. That applies in every field of human endeavor.” ~Harry S. Truman
Whenever I need company, I don’t have to look beyond my own neighborhood. Here, it’s easy to find enough friends to host a book club or a potluck, or meet for an impromptu lunch date. And there’s always someone willing to water your garden and gather your mail while you’re away. Over the years, we’ve gathered for graduations, weddings, block parties, Neighborhood Watch meetings, and funerals. We’ve built a community.
“How do you know so many of your neighbors?” someone asked me recently. The short answer: It took a little time and lots of initiation. Like all good friendships, neighborly relationships require mutual effort, planning, and caring. When you look around your neighborhood, do you feel at home there? How many of your neighbors have you met so far? ~CL
Photo by Cindy La Ferle