Timeless advice from a favorite novel
“In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. ‘Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,’ he told me, ‘just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.'” ~F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby Cindy La Ferle To view featured posts, additional content, and social media sharing options, please visit the home page.
Lowering our expectations
“You’ll end up disappointed if you grow up thinking everyone has the same heart as you do.” ~ thefemalenetwork.com Unbreakable heart / Cindy La Ferle To view featured posts, additional content, and social media sharing options, please visit the home page.
Remembering powerful women: Notes from my quarantine journal
My new T-shirt / Cindy La Ferle “Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” ~Ruth Bader Ginsburg September 22 Minutes after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg was announced, my cell phone starting buzzing like crazy. More than half a dozen of my besties, including an old college room mate who’d lived with me in the 1970s, started texting from all over the country. Nobody wanted to process this piece of news by herself, and I felt a surge of gratitude for these kindred spirits, my posse of politically informed women. Floored by Ginsburg’s death, my…
Reasons to hope
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” ~Nelson Mandela Cindy La Ferle To view featured posts, additional content, and social media sharing options, please visit the home page.
Theology lessons
“One of the main tasks of theology is to find words that do not divide but unite; that do not create conflict but unity; that do not hurt but heal.” ~Henri Nouwen Grave marker in San Juan / Cindy La Ferle To view featured posts and additional content, or to share on social media, please visit the home page.