Eviction notice
“Don’t let negative people or toxic situations rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out.” ~Robert Tew Cindy La Ferle For additional content and social media sharing options, please visit the home page and look for the beige box located below each post.
Redefining obligation
“Obligation is just another word for a ‘choice’ when you don’t feel like you have much of a choice. But the truth is simple: You do have a choice. Wrested free of obligations, you can take a good hard look at your life and what you value.” ~John M. Grohol Cindy La Ferle For additional content and social media sharing options, please visit the home page and look for the beige box located below each post.
Getting some perspective
“We are not hurt so much by what happens, as by our opinion of what happens.” ~Michel de Montaigne Cindy La Ferle ___________ For additional content and social media sharing options, please visit the home page and look for the beige box located below each day’s post.
Good fortune
“I’m a great believer in luck or good fortune, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” ~attributed to Thomas Jefferson From my vintage typewriter collection / Cindy La Ferle ______ For additional features, content and social media sharing options, please visit the home page.
Respecting your truth
“You don’t need to change your message. You need to change your tribe.” ~Suzette Vearnon Cindy La Ferle For more features and additional content, please visit the home page. Social media sharing options are located in the beige box below each day’s post.