• Photo stories

    Embracing real life

    “The ego is not the best decision maker when it comes to living a quality life. The soul is. It’s the real you, the real me, and it stands ready to take over the moment we become present enough to notice it’s there. Real life is what’s happening behind the scenes, beyond the ego and the busy mind.”  ~Cheryl Richardson Empire Bluffs / Cindy La Ferle ______________ Please visit the home page for additional photos and content.  Parts of this blog do not show on digital devices. 

  • Photo stories

    Making time for play

    “Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation,  which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary  because health is worth more than learning.”  ~Thomas Jefferson Cindy La Ferle __________________ Please visit the home page for additional photos and content.  Parts of this blog do not show on digital devices. 

  • Garden tour,  Photo stories

    Throwing your own party

    “Stop inviting people who don’t celebrate you  to your party. It’s your life — and you have  the right to be exclusive.”  ~Mandy Hale Apollo’s summer party hat / Cindy La Ferle _____________ Please visit the home page for additional photos and content.  Parts of this blog do not show on digital devices. 

  • Events & news

    Our new art show

    “Maybe we are all cabinets of wonders.”  ? Brian Selznick, The Invention of Hugo Cabret Poster art for The Box Factory exhibit by Douglas La Ferle It’s often said that married couples eventually start to resemble one another. While I’m not sure that’s true of the two of us, Doug and I have noticed many common themes in our artwork. Anyone who visits our home studio agrees that our pieces, grouped together, look as though they were plucked from a very quirky cabinet of curiosities. So we’re very excited about our first joint art exhibit opening this weekend at The Box Factory for the Arts in St. Joseph, MI. The Problem with Conformity…
