Civility and manners,  Inspirational quotes,  Personal growth

Choices, choices

“Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we’re proud of. Some will haunt us forever. We are what we choose to be.” ~Graham Brown

Every day we make choices that tell the world who we are. Our choices can change the course of our lives. And our choices have a ripple effect.

The friends we choose, for example, have a powerful influence on our habits, beliefs, and even our reputation. Or, to borrow from the Aesop proverb, “You are not responsible for what your friends do, but you will be judged by the company you keep.” This applies to national politics as well as our personal relationships.

How we choose to treat others is yet another example. A heart-to-heart talk can lift someone’s day, while an insensitive or careless remark can sting for weeks — and possibly damage a relationship. Choosing our words carefully makes a difference. Think of the choices you’ve made recently. How do they impact the people you care about? ~CL

Throughout my career, I've worked as a book production editor, travel magazine editor, features writer, and weekly newspaper columnist. My award-winning lifestyles features and essays have appeared in many national magazines and anthologies, including Newsweek, Reader's Digest, The Christian Science Monitor, Writer's Digest, Victoria, Better Homes & Gardens, Bella Grace, and more. My weekly Sunday "Life Lines" column ran for 14 years in The Daily Tribune (Royal Oak, MI) and won a First Place (Local Columns) award from the Michigan Press Association. My essay collection, Writing Home, includes 93 previously published columns and essays focusing on parenthood and family life.

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